“Aman” The anti-sexual harassment initiative announced the launch of an awareness online campaign entitled,“Her safety is yours”.

The campaign starts today on the occasion of the international day to eliminate violence against women and continues throughout the 16 days of activism against gender based violence.

Aman announced that their campaign aims to raise awareness about different forms of violence against women hoping that this helps in reducing sexual violations in Egypt.

The Campaign will be based on the hashtag #امانها_امانك on both Facebook and Twitter, where the initiative members will use it in republishing the international charters that are related to women’s rights and human rights in order to assure that these rights are not negotiable.

The campaign will work on fighting sexual harassment crimes by publishing the definitions that relate to various forms of harassment against women in Egypt and how to face it, in addition to publishing messages that address men to encourage them to participate in fighting all forms of violence against women.